Blog Writing

I wrote creative copywriting blogs for our legal client websites by following the directions provided by the content strategist. I researched information for the blogs to familiarize myself with the topic and understand the clients' audience. I published the blogs onto the clients' website through Wordpress. 

Estate Planning Legal Client Blog

5 common estate planning myths

It’s good to prepare for anything that might come our way. Many of us take months to prepare for a wedding or moving to another city, but when it comes to estate planning, we tend to push it aside, year after year.

There are a lot of myths surrounding estate planning, some that make it easier for us to continue shrugging it off until later. Debunking these myths can help you understand just how important estate planning can be and why it’s necessary.

Estate planning is for the wealthy

This is a common myth that is easily debunked because estate planning is for everyone. Regardless of how much money or assets you have, you still need an estate plan. should decide how to distribute your assets after you pass and take the time early on in your life to prepare for unexpected illnesses or injuries.

Estate planning is for the elderly

Another common myth is believing you can wait until you’re older to start your estate plan. The truth is that waiting too long can cause more complications as you will be unprepared for whatever life might throw at you.

If you become sick, injured, or pass away without an estate plan, your family might not know what to do with your assets or your health care. An estate plan offers protection against these unexpected situations.

A will is enough

Many people think creating a will is all they need to do to protect their assets and family. This is not the case. You should consider other essential factors, such as declaring a power of attorney to help with your finances and a health care proxy who will make medical decisions for you if you become incapacitated.

A will is also unable to cover all your assets. Many items, such as retirement accounts and pensions, may require additional documentation and beneficiaries.

I can make everyone happy

Estate planning allows you to establish who will receive your assets after your death. One major misconception is that you will be able to appease everyone in your family with your decisions. You should focus on ensuring all your assets are wisely distributed instead of trying to make sure you can keep everyone happy.

I don’t need to update my plan

An estate plan isn’t just a one-and-done deal. It requires regular updating and revising as you go through life. You may get married, have a kid, or even move to a new state where the estate planning rules are entirely different.

Keeping your estate plan updated is a crucial part of the process so that when something happens, you’re not working off an outdated plan.

Start your estate plan today

Proper estate planning can give you peace of mind for the future. An estate planning attorney can help you make the right decisions to protect your finances, assets and loved ones.

Business Law Legal Client Blog

What type of formation is right for my business?

Starting a business is more than just finally making your dreams a reality. It requires many critical factors – some of which you may have not even thought about yet. One such factor is determining how you want to set up your business.

Business formations are crucial to the success of a company. Choosing the right business formation ensures that your company functions as intended and protects you from liability claims.

Every business formation has its benefits. Before you’re carried away with the excitement of starting your business, review each type of formation and pick the one that fits best.

1. Business partnerships

Going into business together with a spouse, best friend, or family member is common. Having someone to share the weight of the business can make the challenges less daunting. Business partnerships are a great option as each partner is personally liable for any company debts or claims. This means you won’t have to shoulder any liability issues on your own, as is the case with the next option.

However, working with a partner can come with risks when you don’t see eye-to-eye. Creating a partnership agreement is an ideal way to ensure that you split your responsibilities and profits evenly.

2. Sole proprietorship

Sole proprietorship is just as it sounds – you are the sole owner of the business. This kind of formation provides you all the control but can come with risks. If you face any liability claims or debts, you will be personally responsible for them alone, which can be extremely challenging both emotionally and financially.

Sole proprietorships are easy to establish as they don’t need state registration or much paperwork. Instead, you pay business taxes as part of your personal taxes for a more streamlined process. If you’re planning a small, low-risk business, this type of formation can be the best choice.

3. Corporation

If you want more protection or you’re expecting to grow your business quickly, establishing a corporation may be your best bet. Corporations function differently than the previous two options, as they are their own legal entity. Corporations pay their own business taxes and can face liability claims which shield the owners from any damages.

Corporations can be challenging to set up and require more reporting and record-keeping. However, if you believe your business may face serious legal issues or other challenges, having a corporation to protect you can be an asset.

Deciding what’s best for your business can be difficult. It’s essential to take time to consider your options and talk to a business law attorney who can help clarify what you can expect out of each type of formation.